One of these companies is Regen Network which managed to introduce decentralized technologies to the ecology sustainability space.
2020 was a good year for ecology, as one of the tech giants, Microsoft Corporation announced that they want to carbon footprint to zero by the end of 2030.
Moreover, the company also aims to eliminate a volume of carbon equal or almost equal with the one produced during the company’s lifetime, since they started operations in 1975.
Having this goal in mind, Microsoft Corporation has purchased 43,338 metric tons worth of soil carbon credits from startup firm Regen Network.
Together with this purchase, Microsoft Corporation introduces Blockchain technology and makes one of the biggest carbon credit sales in Australia.
According to a press release, the carbon credit is also known as CarbonPlus Grassland credits, and they are issued by a company named Wilmot Cattle Co (WCC), who is managing two cattle ranches located in New South Wales, Australia through project originator Impact Ag.
Who is Regen Network?
Regen Network is a Blockchain startup that has as main focus ecological data, especially in the agriculture space.
Their company goal is to reinvent the economics of agriculture, by buying and selling ecosystem service credits in the open marketplace for climate solutions.
Who is Microsoft Corporation?
Microsoft Corporation is an American technology giant that has as main mission and value to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential.
Childhood friends Bill Gates and Paul Allen started the company in 1975, “Micro-Soft” being the result of their wish to put in a business, all their computer skills and knowledge.
Will agriculture be the solution to Climate Change Issues?
Regen Network CEO — Christian Shearer celebrated Microsoft Corporation’s initiative by adding that this inspired hope in the concept of natural approaches to combating climate change.
“Our work with Impact Ag and Wilmot Cattle Co makes us more hopeful than ever that agricultural and nature-based solutions to climate change are not only real, but have the potential to rapidly sequester carbon and build resiliency into our food systems,” said Shearer, adding, “The scale at which Microsoft is purchasing carbon credits should give us all hope that business can and will be a catalyst for change.”